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Property Tax Advisor
Specializing in Commercial Property Tax Appeals Nationwide since 2009
Practice Areas
Assembly Companies
has a full service tax savings and cost optimization management program.
We develop custom and local teams for each unique project to maximize results.
Operational Savings Strategy
Property Valuation
Litigation Support
Real Property Tax
Sales and Use Tax
Appeals and Audits
Real Estate Optimization
Compliance Filing
Verifiication Claims
Business Property Tax
Cost Segregation
Fixed Asset Studies
Tax Appeal Process
Since 2009, The Assembly Property Tax Appeal Group has provided national assessment appeal services for landlords and tenants and corporations to lower property taxes on over-assessed real estate.
Our deep understanding of real estate valuation leads to securing lower taxes typically in advance of a formal litigation process. Through audits we may be able to secure refunds from prior years. Assembly Tax will provide our expert opinion on property value and savings projections at no charge. Fees are contingent on achieved savings.

Team Anchor
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